From a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or dementia to choosing the perfect home to finally moving your loved one in, there are so many hurdles in this journey. But while moving day itself can feel like some kind of finish line, it’s really just the beginning of a new phase of life. Follow these four tips from the professionals at Syncare Memory Suites, a private memory care home in Minnesota, to help your loved one settle into their new home as seamlessly as possible.
It’s not unusual for your loved one to need a few months to fully adjust to their new environment, and your presence will help. Regular visits can help your loved one settle into new schedules and routines in their new surroundings. It’s important to consult with your loved one’s care team to coordinate productive times for visits, so don’t hesitate to ask for direction. The goal should be reassuring your loved one with consistent visits — it will contribute to their sense of stability and help them feel calmer and more confident about this new experience.
Private memory care homes like Syncare offer specialized activities to engage their residents, and it’s helpful if family members are encouraging and excited for their loved ones to participate. If there are special guests or presentations, make a point of being there to participate yourself. Family participation is always encouraged in a community like Syncare, so engage and interact with your loved one’s fellow residents. Be a positive role model for your loved one — help them become more comfortable and familiar with staff and residents alike. This kind of participation and involvement in the community goes a long way.
Emotions can run high when you move a loved one into a private memory care home. You’ve made the right decision for the right reasons, but it’s still an emotional experience. Do your best to stay positive when you visit your loved one. A relaxed, upbeat energy will serve your loved one far more, no matter what kind of day they seem to be having, so remember to be optimistic. It can be helpful to remind yourself why a move like this is not only necessary, but truly the best decision. Keep in mind that the first few months are often challenging, and that things will improve with time.
It can be hard for family members when a loved one asks to go home, or complains about another resident, or is upset about something in their new home. Still, these kinds of days should be expected. Adjusting to a new place takes time, and feeling some degree of anxiety or emotional discomfort is a normal part of the process. Remember to stay positive, reassure your loved one, and reach out to caregivers for guidance and direction.
A transition to memory care for a loved one is a wonderful time to practice patience and to extend yourself a little bit of grace. It’s not an easy process for either of you, but these tips can help smooth the way. Your loved one’s care team should also have specific advice that will help your love done, so don’t hesitate to ask. In Minnesota, Syncare Memory Suites can answer your questions about private memory care — call us today.